Earth Classification

Welcome to my site. I basically started this site just to put all the writing I do into some kind of order, it was really only intended for me to look at. It's sort of a reference point for me, but if anyone happens upon it Welcome, I hope you enjoy it here.

Most of the stuff here is just information I've gathered about various animal species, I know I need to add a reference section and I'm working on it. (When I started this catalogue I didn't even consider referencing the information because I was putting it all on disk for just me to look at). Remeber it's just for fun and not intended for anything else, if you see you're picture here and you don't want it used, just let me know and I'll take it down. (

Please choose a class: CLASSES: Mammalia (Mammals) Aves (Birds)

In addition to all the animal stuff I've put up links to a few bands I like, I'll probably add to this list of links from time to time so keep an eye out. Enjoy ;-)

The official street team signup for A Perfect Circle:

The Magradia Roleplaying Game

History of Magradia Alair player species Alair species Alair History Terravo player species Terravo Species Terravo History Babylon Species Babylon History Prefinia Species Prefinia History Avient Species Avient History

The roleplaying game is just something I've been working on for sometime and although it's all on paper at the moment as I have the time to do so, I'll put it up here to. Again this is for my own benefit but if you're here you may as well know whats going on.